
Your Projects

Tamagotchi Sketch

A recreation of the classic toy "Etch-a-Sketch" with another classic toy "Tamagotchi" so you can have a lot of fun in this awesome and totally cute Tamagotchi Sketch. Have fun making amazing pixel art drawings!


Not good at math and need to make some operations? Try out this web calculator... Just try not to divide by zero, oops.

Rock Paper Scissors

Are you good at Rock Paper Scissors game? Find out now if you can beat the computer. The first one to score 5 points is the winner!

Temperature Converter

Are you curious to know what the temperature are in Fahrenheit? Or maybe Celsius? Or even Kelvin? Then you can discover in this Temperature Converter!


Have you ever tried using Tinder? What about your dog? Tired of seeing your dog so alone? Then use this Tindog and help your dog found the love of its life.

CoffeeShop SignUp

Want a cup of coffee and don't have time to prepare, would be good to have it deliveried at your house, wouldn't? Then, your problem is solved! Sign up now and start ordering coffee plus receive a cool weekly neewsletter!


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